Batman: Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth (1989) by Grant Morrison

The art style that Dave McKean uses in this comic makes the reader feel the madness in their own soul. They are drawn to every word Batman speaks like it will be his last.

Batman Year One (1988)

I'd never read a Batman comic book in my life before I read this. I'd had a deep loathing for anything involving DC because their movies are complete shit (Wonder Woman was the only shining light). Then one night, as I played Batman: Arkham Knight and wondered at it's beautiful story, I realized that I had, in my blind hatred of DC movies, overlooked DC comics.

In The Details by Nonymos – Chapter Two

Here is the second chapter of In The Details by Nonymos, recorded by moi. Link to the text is here. The beautiful featured image is courtesy of Rudy, who made some wonderful fan art for this series.  Please comment even if it's only to say hi! I love hearing from you guys. Enjoy.

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